I'm so sorry but I love you.
You have to smile like nothing ever happened.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Have you ever wanted to be bald? I have. D:
I know, I know, that's an idea only a crazy shit head would want, but I am a crazy shit head!
I just want to experience not having hair. :(
Imagine, after taking a bath, you needn't've to sit in front of the electric fan and dry your hair!
All you need is to wipe it once and-- VOILA! A dry head!
See? Oh, the possibilities of being bald. :(

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I have the sudden wanting for these shoes. D:
I know I can never have them, but I shall continue to dream.
Maybe if I save up I can buy a pair?
3 months' worth of allowances might do it.

; A ;

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Getting Used to Karatedo

Okay, slowly but ever so surely, Karate is getting to me now. I am getting used to waking up in the morning again and getting really sore limbs everyday.
I'm actually looking forward to the new lessons we'll be having.
And I'm making some friends! :D At first, I'd've prefered to stand there alone, since their feet freaked me out.
Their feet, by the way, was brown and had uncut nails. Now, I'm not saying that my feet are better than theirs, it's just that I'm a typically neat person with the exception of my room, and I wouldn't want to be in a room with filthly people.
But anyway, I'm making friends now with a guy who had karate lessons already last year. I asked him what a Kata was (something to promote your belt status or something) and he gave me Rebisco crackers, which I accepted politely even if it was chocolate flavored and I hated chocolate with a vengeance. (I ended up giving it to Amanda when his back was turned)
And this one girl who was my sparring partner and her two sisters. :D
things are turning out better than I expected them to be. :)


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Haha, I just puller off an all-nighter with my parents.
I was helping them with some documents they needed to submit to the Government and whatnot. :))
We stayed up until 8AM with the help of coffee.
It surprised me actually that they allowed me to drink coffee.
I guess they couldn't stop me since they were the ones who forced me to stay up the whole night for them and their neglected requirements.
I ended up sleeping at 9AM because the coffee made me all hyper. :))
Woke up at 12NN with only 3 hours of sleep and used the computer for most of the day.

Personally, i hope for another all-nighter. :))

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Red has a Multiply!
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Si Red may Multiply na~ :))

I'm sorry, I just find it so amusing that Red finally decided to make a Multiply. Here's a LINK.:))

Anyway, the drawing you see above is something I made for my friend Alex. She just had an awesome avi and I wanted to draw it. :)

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Karatedo = :(
Friday, April 24, 2009

Gah, my parents enrolled me into this Karatedo class, and I hate it.
Well, not really hate-hate, I just find it a little meh.
It's okay in some terms but I'd prefer my tennis lessons, just like last year. D:
But the instructors have the dirtiest feet. D:
They kept touching me. ~X( Not in a molesting way, but in a "Mali yan, it's like this way". But still! D:
They want us to buy the kimono for Php 750! That's so expensive, considering I'm a cheap ass.
But today, the second day, was better than yesterday. The sensei that I didn't like was absent so I wasn't all that "argh" about it.
The good thing is, I sweat a lot, so that means I'm losing fat (right?) and I have a reason to go Otaku. :))
The senseis said that to address them, say yes or no, good morning or goodbye, we had to say, "Usu!"
Kabaji Munehiro all over again, ne? :))

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Tennis! Yes, please! :D
Saturday, April 18, 2009

My tito sent in the forms for the AFP Summer Sports Program-- thing.
So yeah, my days of lazy boredom are OVER! 8D/

I'll work hard to achieve my goal of loosing teh flabs. :))

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


God, how predictable of me, doing the easiest theme of all: STRIPES.

Well, what can I do if I'm such a lazy ass? :))

Anyway, this is my striped shirt and I thought yesterday while looking at it that it would be a great entry for "STRIPES", so I too a picture of it and VOILA! An entry for stripes.

But I'll be doing the other themes seriously now, make no doubt of that. FIGHT-O!! 8D/



See? I toldya I would do the next one seriously. :))

Anyway, this is my "Tears" theme entry. It's okay generally but I think I could've done better.
She's missing a finger! D: D: Well, the index is supposedly "hidden", but it looks as if she only has four finger like those irritating cartoons. D:

I shall do the next one perfectly next time. D:



LOL, this is a SHMUCK entry for "Light". Expect Theme 4, "Dark", to be similar to this. :)


" うして君を好きになってしまんだろう" - 동방신기 // 東方神起 <3
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

OMG, this song is so addicting! It's just like Insomnia (the korean version, by Wheesung who is, by the way, quite cute) ! @-)
But the girl in the MV is so epal, marrying the old ugly guy instead of the cute one. D:<
I've replayed it so many times! It's so awesome. But Regina commented that I was "heartless" (which is a little true) because I didn't cry at the "tearjerker scene". Well, whatever. :)
DBSK = L.O.V.E ♥


100 Themes

Okay, I'm going to take the 100 themes challenge. I'll post it in both my BlogSpot and my DeviantArt, since I wanna submit a lot of Deviantions (hahalol 8D). And since I'm a total shmuck in drawing, my entry for each theme might either be a Photograph or a drawing: depending on the theme I'm doing. Or if I want to post both the drawing and photo of a theme, then I will. :)


1. Introduction

2. Love

3. Light

4. Dark

5. Seeking Solace

6. Break Away

7. Heaven

8. Innocence

9. Drive

10. Breathe Again

11. Memory

12. Insanity

13. Misfortune

14. Smile

15. Silence

16. Questioning

17. Blood

18. Rainbow

19. Gray

20. Cookies

21. Vacation

22. Mother Nature

23. Cat

24. Orly?

25. Trouble Lurking

26. Tears

27. Foreign

28. Sorrow

29. Happiness

30. Under the Rain

31. Flowers

32. Night

33. Expectations

34. Stars

35. Hold My Hand

36. Precious Treasure

37. Eyes

38. Abandoned

39. Dreams

40. Rated

41. Teamwork

42. Standing Still

43. Dying

44. Two Roads

45. Illusion

46. Family

47. Creation

48. Childhood

49. Stripes

50. Breaking the Rules

51. Sport

52. Deep in Thought

53. Keeping a Secret

54. Tower

55. Waiting

56. Danger Ahead

57. Sacrifice

58. Kick in the Head

59. No Way Out

60. Rejection

61. Fairy Tale

62. Magic

63. Do Not Disturb

64. Multitasking

65. Horror

66. Traps

67. Playing the Melody

68. Hero

69. Annoyance

70. 67%

71. Obsession

72. Mischief Managed

73. I Can't

74. Are You Challenging Me?

75. Mirror

76. Broken Pieces

77. Test

78. Drink

79. Starvation

80. Words

81. Pen and Pape

r82. Can You Hear Me?

83. Heal

84. Out Cold

85. Spiral86. Seeing Red

87. Food

88. Pain

89. Through the Fire

90. Triangle

91. Drowning

92. All That I Have

93. Give Up

94. Last Hope

95. Advertisement

96. In the Storm

97. Safety First

98. Puzzle

99. Solitude

100. Relaxation


Surveys, Eggs, and Clark
Monday, April 13, 2009

Surveys are so awesome! :D For some reason I can't seem to stop answering one after another. But this one survey ended up making me fucking irritated. It's 215 questions long! Wasted 30 minutes of my time, it did! But I still think surveys are fun.
Anyway, to put some sense into this blog entry of mine; yesterday, we went Easter Egg Hunting in Marikina. We got so many eggs since there were six of us looking for eggs together. I think we earned, what? Php 300+? Yeah, so we split the dough. Php 62 for each person and 31 pieces of candy from the basket. And mind you, the candy we were able to get was one whole basketful. That's a lot compared to my other relatives' haul. 8D
Oh, and 3 days before that, we went to Clark, Fontana. Me and my family were a little late in getting there so we only got an hour of swimming. But we still had fun. I almost drowned in the wave pool. X3
Later, we went to the house all the relatives were staying in (the Gorreons were not sleeping overnight because my dad didn't want any hassle) and had a little photoshoot out in the street. That's where my cousin, Ate Ameia, took the photo of me posing like I was abandoned by my parents/running away from home. We also discovered my boy cousin's hidden handsome-ness. 8D If he'd shed a little of his Budha-ness (aka: FAT), he would be some handsome! Bet he's gonna have a lot of girlfriends in the future. XD


Summer Boredom
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Summer isn't all that it's cut out to be. :
It's super boring. Absolutely nothing to do. :(

Ah, well. I'll just draw then. :)


Password Recovery 8D
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Haha, I'm so forgetful. It's been like 3 weeks already and I only remembered my password now. 8D
I guess I'll try to update more on this maltreated blog of mine now that I know what my password is. :D



I hope your heart feels relieved
Please forget about me and live on
Those tears will dry completely
As time passes by.. -- Haru Haru

March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009

layout by Jacquelyn
Icon by Photobucket